March 16, 2024

March 16, 2024

This week I am grateful for…

56. 10 Percent Happier

57. Kind Stranger at Airpot

58. A Family Member’s Health

59. Savoring Tea

60. Kind Store Manager


#56: 10 Percent Happier

This week I stumbled upon a podcast by Dan Harris called 10 Percent happier. I was little familiar with Dan Harris and his work on mindfulness before this week, but this was the first time I actually listened to him at length. The more I research him, the more inspired I am becoming. I am very excited to read his NY times bestselling book, 10 Percent Happier.

#57: Kind Stranger at the Airport

I flew to NYC on Thursday this week for work. I was working on my laptop at the gate while waiting for the plane to start boarding. The flight got delayed for an hour and a half which put everyone on edge. My laptop was about to die but none of the outlets were working. All the seats were taken around me and I kept struggling to find an outlet that worked. A kind stranger got up and asked if I wanted to use a working outlet that he was sitting next to. I appreciate you, kind stranger!

#58: A family Members Health

I still can’t share too much publicly but this week I am grateful for a family member’s health. I am very grateful you are beginning to feel better

#59: Savoring Tea

I do not always get a chance to slow down and actually savor my morning cup of tea, but this week I was able to for at least 2 occasions. The science on savoring is pretty clear, slowing down and savoring positive experiences is a powerful source of sustainable happiness and wellbeing.

This week I am grateful for an opportunity to savor my tea. I usually close my eyes and really pay attention to the flavor, temperature, smell etc. of the cup of tea. I also pay attention to any sensations that come up. In this state, I sometimes have flashes of some of the happiest moments of my life. This week it included my travel to Portland, Oregon and Cotopaxi, Ecuador! I am grateful for those moments

#60: Kind Store Manager

This week I went to a True Value Store that had just closed 5 minutes prior. I needed to make copies of a key one for me and the other one for my sister. The lights inside the store were off and I was on a tight timeline so I couldn’t go to any other stores at that time. I knocked at the door hoping they would take me but there was no answer. Just when I had given up and started walking away from the store, I heard the door open behind me. It was the store manager who was very happy to assist. Thank you so much! You saved me a lot of time and stress.