This week I am grateful for
61. An Inspiring Student
62. My Health
63. A family Member’s Health
64. 10% Happier
65. Travel
#61: Inspiring Student
I currently work as a Regional Program Manager for an organization that trains youth and young adults in filmmaking. This week, I was reminded of a student from Haiti who was to play a principal in a scene recreation. He is an immigrant and an English learner. The script was in English and he was struggling to deliver the lines and do the scene justice. After multiple failed attempts, we suggested that he should do the lines in French, which is his native language.
We were blown away. It was like a switch flipped. He seamlessly delivered his lines with authority and confidence like I have never seen before. I was very inspired by him. It reminded me of the saying, “If you judge a Fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live its all life believing that it is stupid“
#62: My Health
For as long as I can remember, I used to have really bad stomachaches that would even wake me up in the middle of the night. It was excruciating and persistent. It was worse when I was going through a stressful time in my life. This was before I started mindfulness meditation so I did not have any tools to help with my anxiety and stress. What used to work was medicine that my doctor prescribed for the pain but I do not like depending on medication plus it had a terrible taste.
One day, my doctor decided to test me for H.Pylori which he told me could explained some of my symptoms. H.Pylori is a bacterial infection that affects your stomach I leaned after I tested positive. I learned that it usually happens in childhood and the cause can be contaminated water. So not having access to clean water or coming from developing countries can be a risk factor.
I got on an anti-bacterial medication for the first time in my life and two weeks later, all my symptoms had ended. No more waking up in the middle of the night from pain. No more avoiding high acid meals like pasta with red sauce. No more stomach pain when hungry. I could eat fruits with citrus again like oranges and mandarin. I am very grateful for health this week.
#63: A Family Member’s Health
This week I am continuing to be very grateful for a family member’s health. I still can’t share anything publicly but they are recovering well and I am grateful for them and their health.
#64: 10% Happier
Last week I reported that I was grateful for the podcast 10% happier by Dan Harris and that I was looking forward to reading his book by the same name. I am about a third through the book and let me tell you, it is incredible. Thanks Dan for sharing you story with the world. It is very inspiring.
#65: Travel
I traveled to New Jersey this week to visit my partner’s family. I enjoyed the brisk boardwalk, the beautiful skyline, the peaceful ocean, the delicious food, and the great company.
What are you grateful for this week? Feel free to leave me a comment.
See you next week…