July 15, 2024

July 15, 2024

This week, I am grateful for…

136. Safety

137. Avocados

138. Family

139. Wooden Radio

140. Family of Deer

#136: Safety

I was recently reminded that safety is a precious gift. Being able to go anywhere without constantly looking over my shoulder is a blessing. I’m incredibly thankful for the sense of safety I have this week.

#137: Avocados

Avocados are always a delight, enhancing almost everything I eat. Thank you, you vegetable-looking fruit!

#138: Family

This week, my family faced a challenge, and I was proud of how we handled it. I’m immensely grateful for their support and strength.

#139: Wooden Radio

A few weeks ago, I saw an old wooden radio at a store. The store manager explained that this was what radios looked like back in the day. I was fascinated by its size and design, a stark reminder of how far technology has come.

#140: Family of Deer

While in the garden this week, I heard something in the woods. To my delight, it was a family of deer. I quietly observed them and even managed to take a picture before they moved deeper into the woods. I’m thankful for such encounters with nature.

Final Thoughts

I’ve had such a busy couple of weeks, from traveling to wrapping up my current job and preparing for the next one. I will share my gratitude for my travel adventure in the next post

In the meantime… What are you grateful for this week?

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