As promised from last week’s post, here is a list of my top 10 Moments that brought me Joy in 2024.
1. #21: Healthy Baby Niece!
Jan. 28, 2024

This weeks I am very grateful that my brother and sister in law had a healthy delivery! I am very grateful for a new niece. I have 5 siblings, including myself, that makes a total of 6. With the birth of the newest member of the family, I now have a total of 9 nephews and nieces. I am very grateful for every single one of them. Welcome to the world adorable niece!
2. #45: Hot Shower
Feb. 28, 2024

One more thing that I probably take for grated is hot showers. This week I am grateful for hot showers. It’s great that I can take a warm shower with a flip of a switch. Growing up, if I wanted a warm shower, I needed to boil water in a pot then mix it with cool water in a plastic basin or a bucket. I did not have access to a warm shower at a turn of a nob. I miss those simpler days greatly but this week I am grateful for access to hot showers and running water for that matter.
3. #71: Spring Blossoms
April 15, 2024

During a walk around the apartment complex this week, I was greeted by the sight of vibrant white flowers from trees, signaling the revival of nature. Beneath them, a tapestry of colorful flowers had been carefully planted, eagerly anticipating the forthcoming warmth of summer. The embrace of spring and the blooming flowers fill me with great gratitude.
4. #97: Mom
May 12, 2024
My heart is full of gratitude for my mother on this years Mother’s Day. Her sacrifices have shaped my life profoundly—I owe everything to her. From my very existence to our migration to the USA, and the wonderful connections I’ve made along the way, it’s all because of her. Happy Mother’s Day to the bravest and most extraordinary mother in the world.
5. Adventure with Baby Bunnies
#121: Baby Bunnies part 1
June 19, 2024

As I’ve mentioned before, my partner and I rented a gardening plot for the season. This week, while tending to our garden, we noticed some disturbed grass, hinting at a hidden nest. Days later, to our surprise and delight, we discovered a nest with a litter of newborn baby bunnies. They were tiny and fragile, and we immediately committed to ensuring their safety and well-being until they’re fully grown. Stay tuned for updates on these adorable bunnies!
#135: Baby Bunnies Part 2
June 29, 2024
As I mentioned on June 19th, we discovered a nest of adorable baby bunnies in our garden. I’m happy to report that we successfully kept them alive and healthy until they left the nest this week. Watching them grow and venture out into the world has been such a joy. Here’s a picture I took of them.

Good luck out there, baby bunnies—wishing you all long and happy lives!
6. #133: Campfires
June 29, 2024

I absolutely love summertime and all the activities that come with it. This week, while on a hike, I was enveloped by the nostalgic and comforting smell of a campfire. There’s something so magical about that scent, isn’t there? It instantly brought back memories of past summers and made me appreciate the simple joys of the season.
7. Adventure in the South
July 17, 2024
#141: Perfect Timing
Last week, my girlfriend and I embarked on a five-day adventure to Nashville, TN. At least, that was our initial plan. Instead, we found ourselves renting a car and exploring four states: Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, and Indiana. Due to our hectic schedules at work, we didn’t plan a detailed itinerary which ended up being a great thing as we allowed for room to be spontaneous. About two days into the trip, we realized that you can experience the essence of Nashville in just two full days. Despite our lack of preparation, everything fell into place perfectly.

For instance, our cab driver from the airport dropped us right in front of the African American Music Museum, one of the spots on our list. It was the first Wednesday of the month, and we discovered they offered free admission on that day! It couldn’t have been more perfect. We had just enough time to explore the museum before our Airbnb was ready for check-in.
A couple more moments happened during brunch in Louisville, Kentucky. I forgot to ask our waitress to bring my tea with the meal. She brought the tea first, and as I realized my mistake, my meal arrived just a minute later. It was a small moment of gratitude for me.
In Birmingham, AL, we visited the Civil Rights Square. My girlfriend needed to use the restroom, and we couldn’t find one nearby. We decided to head towards the 16th Street Baptist Church, a significant civil rights site. To our surprise, we arrived just in time for the last tour of the day, which started two minutes later. This tour was the highlight of our trip, a poignant and memorable experience that I’m incredibly grateful for.

#145: Sunset on the Walk Home
On July 4th, we were treated to a breathtaking sunset on our walk home. The sky was illuminated with a soft, bright orange and yellow glow, with fireworks sparkling behind tall buildings. It felt like a scene straight out of a movie. Here is a photo I took which does not do it justice at all…

I’m deeply grateful for that awe-inspiring moment of bliss.
8. Six-Day Silent Retreat
August 25, 2024
#166: Silence
Two weeks ago, I embarked on a five-day silent retreat at Karme Choling Meditation Retreat Center in Barnet,Vermont. I’m eager to share the profound gratitude I experienced during that time. It was my first silent retreat—a journey where I spent five days in silence, meditating for eight hours each day.

The first thing I am deeply grateful for is the silence itself. It’s astonishing how much you learn about yourself, your thoughts, your surroundings, and even other people when you choose to be silent. The retreat allowed me to observe my thoughts and emotions in real-time, without the usual distractions. Over those five days, I began to notice patterns in my thinking. I became aware of where my mind tends to wander, and I was able to evaluate whether those thoughts were serving me. If they weren’t, I felt empowered to gently let them go.
There were moments when the urge to speak was almost overwhelming, especially when I was in the company of others in a casual setting. Yet, I discovered the power of non-verbal communication—how much connection can be achieved through simple gestures and body language. In short, the silence was transformative. It’s incredible how much you can notice about yourself and the world around you when you embrace silence. I would highly recommend a silence retreat for anyone seeking peace, joy, and personal insight.
#167: Community
The retreat wouldn’t have been as meaningful without the incredible community that surrounded me. The teachers were knowledgeable and truly inspiring, guiding us with wisdom and compassion. My fellow participants were supportive and kind, adding layers of richness to the experience. I’m deeply grateful for each and every one of them, as they made the retreat not just rewarding, but deeply meaningful and unforgettable.
#168: Awe Moment 1

During the retreat, I experienced two moments of intense awe and gratitude. The first occurred on the third day during a walking meditation. We strolled through a garden bursting with vibrant flowers. After three days of silence and eight hours of daily meditation, I found myself in a state of profound peace, fully present in the moment. As I knelt down to smell two different flowers, I was struck by the beauty around me—the bright colors, the fresh scents, and the sight of tomatoes ripening from dark green to bright red. My heart swelled with gratitude for the Earth and its endless gifts. A tear slipped down my cheek, and for about ten minutes, I was enveloped in an overwhelming sense of gratitude—a feeling that stayed with me for the rest of the retreat.
#169: Awe Moment 2

The second awe-inspiring moment happened later that evening. It had been raining on and off throughout the day, with a hurricane passing nearby. During our last meditation session at 7 PM, the rain was pouring down. But as the session ended at 7:30, the rain stopped. A fellow participant gestured that there was something beautiful outside, and I rushed out, thinking I might catch a glimpse of a rainbow. Instead, I was greeted by a breathtaking sight—the moon, enormous and radiant, peeking through fast-moving clouds at dusk.
Drawn by the beauty, I walked down to a stream that passes close by. The power and sound of the water was humbling. As I looked up hill, I saw tall grass swaying gently in the wind, and the moon glowing brightly as the clouds danced across the sky. I was filled with an intense sense of awe, gratitude, and pure joy. The birds were singing their final songs before nightfall, and in that moment, I felt incredibly fortunate to be alive, witnessing such natural beauty.
#170: Nature

This retreat reminded me of just how breathtaking nature can be, especially when observed in silence. The retreat was nestled amidst mountains, their slopes lush with a variety of green trees. I noticed the vivid colors of birds and their sweet songs, the intricate patterns of rocks, and the dance of butterflies. Throughout the week, I encountered deer, a groundhog, and even fish in the stream.
On the last night, a meteor shower lit up the sky. I woke in the middle of the night to marvel at the stars, and in remote Vermont, it was undimmed by light pollution. At 4 AM, I joined two other participants to watch the sunrise, a moment of serene beauty that filled me with joy. For all these experiences, I am profoundly grateful.
What are you grateful for this week?
9. Fall Adventures
Sep. 30, 2024
#200: Apple Picking
This week, I went apple picking with friends for the second time this season, and it was just as magical as the first. There’s something about being out in nature, picking fresh apples straight from the tree, and enjoying moments of laughter and connection with the people you love. We indulged in warm cider donuts, sipped apple cider, and even spent time with some farm animals. It was the kind of day that felt like a perfect snapshot of Fall—filled with joy, warmth, and memories that will last. Here goes one pic from the occasion.

I’m incredibly grateful for this experience and for the friends who made it so special. Here’s to more days like this!
#219: A Double Bald Eagle Sighting
Oct. 27, 2024
Speaking of beauty, I had not one, but two unexpected encounters with bald eagles this week! The first was on our walk to the fall festival. At first, I mistook the eagle for a turkey vulture until I saw its unmistakable white head and tail. I was so excited that I pointed it out to a few nearby people, and we all paused to admire its graceful flight.

Later that day, on the drive home, another eagle crossed our path about 20 minutes from home. I am grateful for nature as it has a way of giving us these fleeting, magical moments that leave a lasting impression.
#221: Hot Beef Stew on a Cold Day
Nov. 3, 2024

After a long, stressful day at work this week, I came home to an unexpected gift. Before I even opened the door, the delicious aroma hit me—I thought it might be from a neighbor’s apartment, but no, it was coming from inside. I walked in to discover my partner had prepared homemade beef stew and freshly baked bread from scratch. After a day filled with stress, this warm, comforting meal was exactly what I needed. Nothing beats hot beef stew and fresh-baked bread on a cold, rainy fall evening. It was a beautiful reminder of how much thoughtfulness and love can lift a person up. See the picture of it above.
10. #234: The Convenience of a Laundry Machine –
Nov. 17, 2024
Sometimes, it’s easy to take modern conveniences for granted. This week, I found myself reflecting on how thankful I am for something as simple as a laundry machine.
Growing up in Kenya, doing laundry was a whole-day commitment. With unreliable water supplies, we often fetched water from local streams, taking multiple trips to gather enough water. Then came the handwashing—scrubbing each piece of clothing, rinsing, and hanging them to air-dry. It was labor-intensive and time-consuming. So this week I am thankful for the convenience of a washing machine.
When a friend in Kenya recently told me how transformative a washing machine would be for her life, I nodded with deep understanding. I’ve lived that reality. So this week, as I tossed clothes into the machine and pushed a button, I felt a profound sense of gratitude.
#260: Reaching 260 Grateful Moments – Dec. 22
This week marks a milestone: 260 moment of gratitude for the year! Documenting these big and small joys has been transformative. On dark days, this collection reminds me that life is filled with beauty and possibility. Thank you for joining me on this journey.